Get Active!

We offer athletic programs for kids and adults. Find your league and join the fun!

Youth Programs

Adult Programs

Game Schedule

Check out our calendar for game dates, times, and locations.

Stay in the Loop!

Did you know you can get important updates for your activity like registration dates and game cancellations?

How to Register

Registrations are accepted during the dates and times posted for each activity. Call or email for more information. Be prepared to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate for age verification. Athletes 13 years of age and older must sign the concussion statement provided with each registration.

Register online for a youth program at any time during its registration period, day or night.

* Game dates are subject to change

No upcoming registration dates.
Please check back later.

Special Olympics

Since 1995, Terrebonne Parish Special Olympics has provided additional recreational opportunities to citizens with intellectual disabilities. Athletes compete on the local, area, and state levels and participate in each of the four state-level games.

  • Fall Classic
  • State Indoor Games
  • State Summer Games
  • Unified Games

Athletes also have the opportunity to participate in the bowling league, Special Superstars.

There are numerous ways to contribute. Visit the Louisiana Special Olympics or Special Olympics sites for more information.